Sunset Surprise

Sunset Surprise

Welcome to “Western Week.”

Now, you might ask, “Why am I doing Westerns instead of regular romance this week?”

And I might tell you:

—Because I was hankering fer somethin’ fun. Somethin’ different. Somethin’ in a size nine 1/2, 10-gallon hat!

—Because sometimes a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do!

—Because….none of your %$#& business, pilgrim!

My thanks to Diego Jourdan Pereira for a truly superlative job redrawing the original public domain art.

Pencils possibly by Ward King. This appeared in Western Love Trails #7.

Pencils possibly by Ward King. This appeared in Western Love Trails #7.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Cowboy and cowgirl cuddling by a campfire.

COWGIRL: See? Isn’t this better than riding off into the sunset?

Pencils: King Ward? Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira

©2013 Last Kiss Inc
