Ancient Kisses…
Back in the primitive Last Kiss past, I did my own coloring. And it was—ehh, okay. Sometimes.
But about a decade ago, I wised up and I turned over the coloring to Allen Freeman. Instantly, Last Kiss looked a zillion and two times better. And Allen has been coloring for me ever since.
That isn’t changing, but Allen has been getting increasingly busy with his grueling photography business (Shooting photos of gorgeous models is tough, tough work!)
Enter, Dan the Man…
So I’ve asked my longtime pal Dan McConnell to officially become part of the Last Kiss color team. What can I say? He’s good. He’s fast. And he even wrote his own bio…
“I’ve been making art of one type or another since I was a small child working with a #2 pencil on butcher paper. I moved on to colored pencil, pen and ink, brush and ink, watercolors, oils, computer graphics and sculpture.
“In 1981 I started a weekly comic strip, Apple Andy. That strip ran for 20 years.
“My first comic book inking was on the Green Hornet for NOW comics. I did issues #s 33, 34 and 35 if memory serves. I worked as an inker for Marvel Comics in the early nineties.
“I now do a monthly cartoon strip titled Then & NOW for the Good Life magazine in the Wenatchee area. It’s my extreme pleasure to add colors to the artwork John provides.”
To see more of Dan’s work, check out his art here or check out his editorial cartoons in The Cartoonists Studio contest.