Almost Perfect

Almost Perfect

I’ve rewritten this gag several times over the years. I think I finally got it right, but I do miss one of the gags I cut. In the original version, the woman also rented the guy’s favorite movie: The Three Stooges Meet the 50-Foot Woman from Uranus!

The things I do for art…

↓ Transcript
WOMAN (to man): For your birthday, I filled the pool with beer...and invited all your pals over for poker and porn!

MAN: Yeah! You left the toilet seat down again!

Healthy Comics?

Healthy Comics?

Are you happy with your health insurance? Great. I’m happy for you. Really.

But if you’re a freelancer–like most comic pros are–you probably aren’t so happy. (Unless you have a spouse with great health insurance.) Because you’re on your own, baby.

You can end up paying $1,100 a month for a basic, no-frills plan. I know because I’ve paid it. (And then paid thousands of dollars more when I found that our plan didn’t cover some basic tests and treatment.)

This isn’t a liberal vs. conservative issue. This is a comics issue. Affordable health care would be a huge boost for struggling comic pros. Instead of working three jobs to support themselves, some comic creators might only have to work two and a half. Oh, sure, affordable health care would also benefit millions of other folks. But let’s get our priorities straight, people. It’s all about me.

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CRYING WOMAN: I’ll never qualify for insurance! Being a comic character is...a pre-existing health condition!

Ticket To Trouble

Ticket To Trouble

At Last Kiss Air, we guarantee that most of our pilots are sober, experienced and trustworthy. The rest are relatives. So we’re stuck with them.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: A handsome, male, airline pilot is standing in a doorway talking to a woman.

PILOT: Hi! I'm working my way through flight school...and if I can sell just a few more tickets I'll get to fly a real plane.

WOMAN (thinks): It's a one-way ticket to doom, but...he's so handsome!