Boys, Books or Bed?

Art by Art Cappello and Dick Giordano from "Campus Crush" in First Kiss #1, 1957.

Art by Art Cappello and Dick Giordano from “Campus Crush” in First Kiss #1, 1957.

Given a choice between boys and books, Pam suddenly found that going to bed with a novel was no longer “the perfect evening.” A mistake? Perhaps.

Meanwhile, back in the present…
See the revamped version of this art and with new, funny dialogue in today’s Last Kiss Comic.

Best Imaginary Friends

Best Imaginary Friends

Meanwhile, back in 1957…
See the original 1957 art and dialogue for today’s Last Kiss webcomic here.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman reading a book or comic that says "Comics" on the cover.

WOMAN: My imaginary friends can beat up your imaginary friends!

Art: Art Cappello & Dick Giordano Color: Dan McConnell

©2014 Last Kiss Inc

iPad, I Guess!

iPad, I Guess!

So much to read–so many ways to not have time to read it!

(But, sure! I would love an iPad.)

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Man and woman smile at each other. Books in the background.

MAN: I’ve gone digital! Now I can carry around all the books I’ll never read!

Read Faster

Read Faster

The world would be a better place if some people (insert name of your least favorite politician, relative or coworker) skipped work and read comics. Of course, I’m not talking about you. But some people…definitely.

In fact, we could probably avoid most wars if people just stayed home and read comics. Hmm…imagine that. Comics reading for world peace!

↓ Transcript
WOMAN: So much to do--so little time to ignore it all and read comics!