Original Vintage Art & Text

Pencils by Charles Nicholas from the story “The Necklace” in First Kiss #12, Jan. 1960. Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.





SCENE: A man in dinner jacket talks to a woman. Possibly they’re at a party.

MAN: You’re too good for me!

WOMAN (thinks): Finally…something we agree on!

1960 Pencils: Charles Nicholas New Color: Allen Freeman
Always Agreeable: John Lustig

↓ Transcript
SCENE: A man in dinner jacket talks to a woman. Possibly they're at a party.

MAN: You’re too good for me!

WOMAN (thinks): Finally...something we agree on!

1960 Pencils: Charles Nicholas New Color: Allen Freeman
Always Agreeable: John Lustig