The Best Gift of All?
See the original vintage art and text below.

Here’s the first of this year’s two Christmas collaborations with my pal Mike Pascale. And for Christmas day? Mike and I have cooked up something sweeter than a Christmas sugar plum!

Art by Luis Dominguez from the story "Reckless Romance" in FIRST KISS #30, 1963.

Art by Luis Dominguez from the story “Reckless Romance” in FIRST KISS #30, 1963.

SCENE: Male Christmas elf talking to a female Christmas elf.

MALE ELF: Sex? for Christmas? Gee, that’s what I got you too!

1963 Art: Luis Dominguez Facial Color: Allen Freeman
Elf Haute Coutre & Holiday Spirit: Mike Pascale

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Male Christmas elf talking to a female Christmas elf.

MALE ELF: Sex? for Christmas? Gee, that’s what I got you too!

1963 Art: Luis Dominguez Facial Color: Allen Freeman
Elf Haute Coutre & Holiday Spirit: Mike Pascale