Thank you in advance to the big three in my life–farmily, friends and fans–for what I’m sure will be a great 70th birthday!

And please check out guest artist and all-around great guy Mike Tackett’s site for more of his fun, wacky whimsy!

↓ Transcript
SCENE: A man and a woman--each wearing bathing suits--are kissing on a deserted beach ala the film "From Here to Eternity"

WOMAN: Happy Birthday, John. This kiss is for you!

MAN: Wait--I'm not John!

WOMAN: A girl can pretend, can't she?

©2022 Last Snog Inc

As a birthday gift last year, my pal Mike Tackett created this fun Last Kiss-ish comic. It was too good not to share--so here it is for my big, smoochy 70th birthday. Thanks, Mike! ©2022 Mike Tackett