What Was That?

Pencils by Sam Citron from the story "I Lived a Lie" in DIARY LOVES #9, 1951.

Pencils by Sam Citron from the story “I Lived a Lie” in DIARY LOVES #9, 1951.

Those noises coming from Thad’s apartment are so odd. Squeaking bed springs. Giggling. Moaning. It almost sounds like someone having sex.

But…that can’t be. I’m not in there with him. And he promised to wait until I’m ready.

And it’s only been three years!

Meanwhile, back in the present…
See the revamped version of this art and with new, funny dialogue in today’s Last Kiss Comic.

Contest Winners: Rumtha and Tony Isabella

Cry Me a Winner


What are the six words that make women (or men) cry? After considering contest submissions via my website, Facebook and e-mail, I picked this nifty six-word wonder from Rumtha:

“Silly boy–of course size matters!”

Runner up submission from Tony Isabella: “Mom is moving in with us.”

Congratulations Rumtha and Tony!

See many of the other contest entries here on Facebook.