by John | May 23, 2023 | Uncategorized
Original Vintage Art & Text

Artist unknown. From the story “Censored” in All True Romance #2, Oct. 1951.
Curious to see more? Click this link to read the entire vintage comic book for free on’s presentation of the comic. The story begins on Page 26. This panel is on Page 34.
↓ TranscriptSCENE: A bride covering the mouth of a groom who is struggling to speak.
BRIDE: He says…he will!
Artist Unknown Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Best Man--By Far: John Lustig
by John | May 23, 2023 | Uncategorized
Original Vintage Art & Text
Artist unknown. From the story “Censored” in All True Romance #2, Oct. 1951. Published by Comic Media.
Curious to see more? Click this link to read the entire vintage comic book for free on’s presentation of the comic. The story begins on Page 26.
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Bride with her hand over the groom's mouth--preventing him from speaking.
BRIDE: He says…he will!
Artist Unknown Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Best Man--By Far: John Lustig
by John | May 18, 2023 | Uncategorized
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Charles Nicholas & Vince Alascia from the story “Take My Number” in First Kiss #21, 1961. Published by Charlton.
Curious to see more? Click this link to read the entire vintage comic book for free on’s presentation of the comic. The story begins on Page 11.
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Man and woman very close. He's cupping her chin.
MAN: Sure, I want wild, hot sex! But not during our wedding vows!
WOMAN: Is this where I say, “I do?”
1961 Art: Charles Nicholas & Vince Alascia Re-ink & Color: Diego J. Pereira
I Do Too: John Lustig
by John | May 4, 2023 | Uncategorized
Original Vintage Art & Text

Artist unknown. From the story “Censored” in All True Romance #2, 1951.
Curious to see more? Click this link to read the entire vintage comic book for free. This story begins on Page 26.
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Woman crying in the foreground as a man in the background looks on.
WOMAN: Why...yes! Getting married might cheer me up…a little!
Artist Unknown Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
©2014 Last Kiss Inc
by John | Aug 30, 2022 | Uncategorized
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “A Moment to Remember” in First Kiss #21, 1962. Charlton. Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.
SCENE: A man and a woman are outside a jewelry store looking through the store window at engagement rings.
CAPTION: Last Kiss Jewelry “Our prices are nearly as cheap–as you are!”
WOMAN: Let’s go in and price rings–just for fun! It’s not like you have to marry me…even if I find one I love!
1961 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman
Diamond in the Rough: John Lustig
↓ TranscriptSCENE: A man and a woman are outside a jewelry store looking through the store window at engagement rings.
CAPTION: Last Kiss Jewelry “Our prices are nearly as cheap--as you are!”
WOMAN: Let’s go in and price rings--just for fun! It’s not like you have to marry me...even if I find one I love!
1961 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman
Diamond in the Rough: John Lustig