by John | Feb 22, 2018 | Uncategorized
That ring on my wedding finger is just for decoration!

Inks by Dick Giordano from the story Heartbreaker in FIRST KISS #12, 1960.
MAN (to woman): Who are you going to trust? Me or a marriage certificate?
1960 Inks: Dick Giordano Color: Allen Freeman
FK12.3.3.5 Original Art Shown: FK12.3.3.4-5
Inks by Dick Giordano from the story Heartbreaker in FIRST KISS #12, 1960.
↓ TranscriptMAN (to woman): Who are you going to trust? Me or a marriage certificate?
1960 Inks: Dick Giordano Color: Allen Freeman
FK12.3.3.5 Original Art Shown: FK12.3.3.4-5
Inks by Dick Giordano from the story Heartbreaker in FIRST KISS #12, 1960.
by John | Sep 22, 2011 | Uncategorized
I trust you. So, while you’re reading this comic, if you want to have a friend or two over…
↓ TranscriptMOM: Your dad and I trust you! So if you want to have a friend or two over while we're gone...
DAUGHTER (thinks): Orgy!!
Art by Vince Colletta Studio
by John | May 12, 2011 | Uncategorized
On the other hand, you can trust me completely. Why? Because I said so!
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Two women in a powder room. One is putting on lipstick
WOMAN: I’d like to trust you, but you remind me too much of me!
Art by Vince Colletta Studio
by John | Sep 21, 2010 | Uncategorized
“It’s no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense.”
—Mark Twain
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Man talking to woman.
MAN: You’d hate the truth! So here's my best lie...
by John | Mar 19, 2009 | Uncategorized
On the other hand, if you always lie then at least you’re dependable liar (or politician.) It’s when you only lie some of the time that people don’t trust you.
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↓ TranscriptWOMAN: If you'd just trust me...then I wouldn't have to lie to you!
MAN: Gosh! You're right! Can you ever forgive me?