Groucho’s Greatest Gala

Groucho’s Greatest Gala

Pencils by Charles Nicholas from the story “The Necklace” in First Kiss #12, Jan. 1960.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Man (in a dinner jacket) and woman (in a party dress) are standing outside on a balcony or porch while inside a party is taking place.

WOMAN: Notables from every country in your honor! This is a gala day for you!*

MAN: Well, a gal a day is enough for me.**

1960 Pencils: Charles Nicholas Color: Allen Freeman
*Margaret Dumont in the 1933 movie Duck Soup.
**Groucho Marx also in Duck Soup.

Pencils by Charles Nicholas from the story "The Necklace" in First Kiss #12, Jan. 1960.

Tag: Movie quotes

Tough On Your Mother

Tough On Your Mother

Art by Bob Powell in the story “I Was the Loneliest Girl In School” from HI-SCHOOL ROMANCE #3, 1950

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Guy (Who Looks Like Jimmy Olsen) watches in disbelief as a woman walks away from him.
WOMAN: It must have been tough on your mother, not having any children!*
1950 Art: Bob Powell Re-Creation: Allen Freeman
*Dialogue from the 1933 film 42nd Street
(Starring Ginger Rogers, Dick Powell and Ruby Keeler)