Slow & Steady Wins!

Slow & Steady Wins!

Of course, Inauguration Day hasn’t really crawled here at turtle speed. It’s more like drunk, senior citizen, snail speed—filmed in slow motion and with frequent screen freezes.
But now (at last!) it’s here. And I’m glad (almost) beyond words.
I hope this marks the beginning of a better time for all of us—Democrats, Republicans, Independents. All of us.

— — —

More cute turtle pix (and other photos) by Brittney Weng here.




SCENE: Turtle sitting next to a small American flag on the beach.

TURTLE: Stop complaining! I got here as quickly as I could!

CAPTION: Inauguration Day arrives…at last!

Adapted from a photo by Brittney Weng

brittney-weng-PGZ1BuBAw3E-unsplash short

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Turtle sitting next to a small American flag on the beach.

TURTLE: Stop complaining! I got here as quickly as I could!

CAPTION: Inauguration Day last!

Adapted from a photo by Brittney Weng

brittney-weng-PGZ1BuBAw3E-unsplash short

Flag Day 2020

Flag Day 2020

Happy Flag Day—sort of.

There’s no vintage art this time. Diego drew this from scratch—two versions. One flag upright. The other flag upside down.

The upside down one (with the dour dialogue you see in today’s comic) was for a Bucky animation project that Bucky co-creator Jack Enyart and I were pitching. It was a pretty downbeat moment for the usually upbeat Bucky.

I wasn’t planning to use this gag in the Last Kiss webcomic. But this seems like an appropriate time for it.

(Dialogue by my much-missed pal, the late Jack Enyart.)




SCENE: Bucky, dressed as a Boy Scout, is standing, holding an American flag upside down in his left hand and saluting with his right hand.

VOICE FROM OFF PANEL: Psst, Bucky! The flag’s upside down! That’s the sign of distress!

BUCKY: I know!

It’s Always Bucky™
Art: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Bucky created by Jack Enyart & John Lustig

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Bucky, dressed as a Boy Scout, is standing, holding an American flag upside down in his left hand and saluting with his right hand.

VOICE FROM OFF PANEL: Psst, Bucky! The flag’s upside down! That’s the sign of distress!

BUCKY: I know!

It’s Always Bucky™
Art: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Bucky created by Jack Enyart & John Lustig

Fourth of July: Love American Style

Fourth of July: Love American Style

Have a happy (and loving) Fourth of July!

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “Fallen Idol” in FIRST KISS #33, August 1963. Click Image to enlarge.





SCENE: In the foreground, crying woman and older man are embracing. Younger man looks on from background.

WOMAN: Make America love again!

1963 Art: Vince Colletta Studio         Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira

Art Codes: DJP.lk385   First Kiss #

John Lustig’s Last Kiss
©2018 Last Kiss Inc

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “Fallen Idol” in FIRST KISS #33, August 1963.






↓ Transcript
SCENE: In the foreground, crying woman and older man are embracing. Younger man looks on from background.

WOMAN: Make America love again! 

1963 Art: Vince Colletta Studio    Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira

Art Codes: DJP.lk385   First Kiss #

John Lustig’s Last Kiss
©2018 Last Kiss Inc

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story "Fallen Idol" in FIRST KISS #33, August 1963.