New Year’s Resolutions to Break?

New Year’s Resolutions to Break?

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Syd Shores from the story “The Fatal Note” in Nightmare #1, 1952.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Man sweats with nervous fear as the woman he's holding talks.

WOMAN: My New Year’s resolution is to get pregnant! And married! Not necessarily in that order, of course!

1952 Art: Syd Shores Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Heartbreaker & Resolutions Breaker: John Lustig


Torchy’s 2022 New Year’s Resolutions

Torchy’s 2022 New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year!

Original Vintage Art & Text

Pencils (and possibly inks) by Gill Fox in a story from Torchy #4, May 1950. Quality Comics.Curious about the original vintage comic book? Click the link to read the entire issue for free.







TORCHY: New Year’s Resolution #1: No more sex with strangers. #2: Always introduce myself first. #3: Never use my real name.

1950 Pencils: Gill Fox Dialogue & Art Renovation: John Lustig

Torchy 4-20-8

↓ Transcript
TORCHY: New Year’s Resolution #1: No more sex with strangers. #2: Always introduce myself first. #3: Never use my real name.

1950 Pencils: Gill Fox Dialogue & Art Renovation: John Lustig

Torchy 4-20-8

2015 Resolution?

2015 Resolution?

Meanwhile, back in 1961…
See the original 1961 art and dialogue for today’s Last Kiss webcomic here.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: A man and a woman are dancing---possibly at a party.

MAN: So, your 2015 resolution more casual sex?
WOMAN: Yes! But...golly! I could put that off ‘til 2016!

Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Dan McConnell & John Lustig
©2014 Last Kiss Inc