Rescue Cat

Rescue Cat

Have a happy, lucky and safe Friday the 13th!

Many thanks—even more than usual—to cat wrangler Tony Isabella for coming up with the perfect gag for today.





BLACK CAT: You know what I did after my humans rescued me and gave me a home? I rescued them right back!

With apologies to Pretty Woman

Art: Luviene ©2020 Last Kiss Inc
Text by Cat Dialogue Coach: Tony Isabella

24_Luviene_black cat with yellow eyes


↓ Transcript
BLACK CAT: You know what I did after my humans rescued me and gave me a home? I rescued them right back!

With apologies to Pretty Woman

Art: Luviene ©2020 Last Kiss Inc
Text by Cat Dialogue Coach: Tony Isabella
24_Luviene_black cat with yellow eyes

Black Cat Friday

Black Cat Friday

Happy Friday the Thirteen, Everyone!



BLACK KITTEN WITH BLUE EYES: I’m not bad luck…unless you’re a mouse! Are you a mouse? I think you are! Let’s find out!

Adapted from a photo by Erik Mclean

↓ Transcript
BLACK KITTEN WITH BLUE EYES: I’m not bad luck…unless you’re a mouse! Are you a mouse? I think you are! Let’s find out!

Adapted from a photo by Erik Mclean