by John | Jul 4, 2021 | Uncategorized
Original Vintage Art & Text

Artist unknown. From the cover of Jumbo #118, Dec. 1948. Published by Fiction House.
Read the entire vintage comic book for free on ComicBookPlus.
SCENE: Sheena is about to plunge a knife into a huge alligator that is about to snack down on a young woman.
SHEENA: Silence, girl! Or you’ll attract more crocs!
you’re stupid! That’s a gator, not a croc! You can tell by…
SHEENA: I’ve changed my mind! Eat her!
1948 Artist Unknown New Dialogue: John Lustig
Jumbo #118
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Sheena is about to plunge a knife into a huge alligator that is about to snack down on a young woman.
SHEENA: Silence, girl! Or you’ll attract more crocs!
you’re stupid! That’s a gator, not a croc! You can tell by…
SHEENA: I've changed my mind! Eat her!
1948 Artist Unknown New Dialogue: John Lustig
Jumbo #118
by John | Jan 26, 2021 | Uncategorized

Art by Will Eisner from the cover of Jungle Comics #5, May 1940, published by Fiction House.
SCENE: Beautiful seductress in a slinky dress is standing in front of a skull cave as her subjects (armed ape men) fight with and menace Tzarzan—a Tarzan-like man in a leopard loincloth. In the background, a young woman is held captive by another ape man.
SEDUCTRESS: Prove your love, Tzarzan! Defeat my savage simian suitors! And I’ll go to second base with you!
TZARZAN: Lady, you’ve got a strange idea of foreplay!
1940 Art: Will Eisner Art Clean Up & Dialogue: John Lustig
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Beautiful seductress in a slinky dress is standing in front of a skull cave as her subjects (armed ape men) fight with and menace Tzarzan---a Tarzan-like man in a leopard loincloth. In the background, a young woman is held captive by another ape man.
SEDUCTRESS: Prove your love, Tzarzan! Defeat my savage simian suitors! And I’ll go to second base with you!
TZARZAN: Lady, you’ve got a strange idea of foreplay!
1940 Art: Will Eisner Art Clean Up & Dialogue: John Lustig
by John | Nov 15, 2020 | Uncategorized

Original art possibly by Charles Sultan. Cover of Jungle Comics, published by Fiction House, April 1940.
SCENE: Kaanga tries to stop a rampaging rhino. Tied to the rhino’s back is a woman.
KAANGA: So…feeling horny yet?
WOMAN: Yes! But…not for you!
RHINO: Grunt*
CAPTION: *I’m always horny. But I guess no one cares.
1940 Artist: Charles Sultan?
Restoration: John Lustig
↓ TranscriptSCENE: Kaanga tries to stop a rampaging rhino. Tied to the rhino's back is a woman.
KAANGA: So...feeling horny yet?
WOMAN: Yes! But...not for you!
RHINO: Grunt*
CAPTION: *I'm always horny. But I guess no one cares.
1940 Artist: Charles Sultan?
Restoration: John Lustig
by John | Jul 19, 2020 | Uncategorized
Normally, I’d be in San Diego this week for Comic-Con International. But because of Covid-19, the con is strictly digital and therefore open to everyone. Check it out!
Comic-Con Digital Panels July 22-26.

I’m doing my own little celebration of comics this week. We start out today with some jungle comics fun. More genres to follow during the week!

Art by Jack Kamen? from Jo-Jo Congo King #28, June 1949.
SCENE: A woman in a skimpy jungle costume is tied by her wrists to a tree or stake as a two men struggle in the background. One of the man resembles Tarzan and the other appears to be an overweight hunter.
WOMAN: Hey! stop horsing around, guys! I’m over here! And look! I’m practically naked!
↓ TranscriptSCENE: A woman in a skimpy jungle costume is tied by her wrists to a tree or stake as a two men struggle in the background. One of the man resembles Tarzan and the other appears to be an overweight hunter.
WOMAN: Hey! stop horsing around, guys! I’m over here! And look! I’m practically naked!
1946 Artist: Possibly Jack Kamen (from Jo-Jo Comics #28) Restoration & New Dialogue: John Lustig