The Origin of Tattoo Face™
You’ll definitely be seeing more of this guy—Inky McBlink (aka Tattoo Face™)—in the coming months. From time to time, Mike Pascale and I will bring him back for other unlikely dates—and heartbreaks.
SCENE: Man with tattoo on his face talks to woman who looks clearly alarmed. Tattoo on his face says “I
MAN: Face it, Eve! Our love’s our like this tattoo! Good forever!
WOMAN (thinking): Worst first date…ever!!!
1961 Art: Vince Colletta Color: Allen Freeman
Tattoo Artist & Gag Guro: Mike Pascale
↓ Transcript
SCENE: Man with tattoo on his face talks to woman who looks clearly alarmed. Tattoo on his face says "I <heart> Eve!"
MAN: Face it, Eve! Our love's our like this tattoo! Good forever!
WOMAN (thinking): Worst first date...ever!!!
1961 Art: Vince Colletta Color: Allen Freeman
Tattoo Artist & Gag Guro: Mike Pascale
MAN: Face it, Eve! Our love's our like this tattoo! Good forever!
WOMAN (thinking): Worst first date...ever!!!
1961 Art: Vince Colletta Color: Allen Freeman
Tattoo Artist & Gag Guro: Mike Pascale