Sushi Attack
CAPTION: How to prepare a romantic, sushi dinner--the Last Kiss way!
MAN (thinking): “Step One: Make sure your fish is fresh!”
Inks by Sal Trapani
I think if you’re office has deep purple walls, it’s a pretty good tip that something funny is going on.
Kissing? Sure, why not?
I mean, you’d have to keep your eyes shut just to keep from going blind or crazy in that room. So you might as well be kissing while you’re in there with your eyes closed!
In comic books, sometimes people just kiss.
But more often they think and kiss at the same time. They think about whether they’re kissing the right person. They think about whether they can pay the rent; pass their math test; or even conquer the universe.
Now maybe you do all those things when you kiss, but I don’t. Not if it’s a really good kiss.
In my comments here, I originally joked that this guy was probably in a hurry to get to his job as a marriage counselor. But–what do I know?
I’ve been bombarded by e-mails and Facebook comments that this man is obviously Captain James T. Kirk and that he’s rushing back to the starship Enterprise.
So I wrote a Star Trek joke–without realizing it? Okay. The guy does kinda look like Kirk. But–oh, uh, last night when I first posted this was William Shatner’s 80’s birthday?
Okay. I bow to the obvious. I’m more brilliant than I thought. This is a Star Trek joke!