Hot Enough for You?

Hot Enough for You?


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SCENE: A woman brings a bowl of soup to a man sitting at a table having a meal. The woman could be a waitress. Or she could be the wife or girlfriend of the man.

WOMAN: Soup is like sex! The hotter the better!

MAN: Soup’s safer! I keep burning my tongue during sex!

Virgin Foiled — Not Soiled!

Virgin Foiled — Not Soiled!

According to medieval legends, virgins have one super power: the ability to capture unicorns. Alas, unicorns are in short supply these days.

Personally I blame global warming. And perhaps the Japanese. (Hey, they kill whales! How much harder would unicorns be?)

In any event, without an ample supply of unicorns, our country’s moral purity is at stake. No unicorns equals no virgins. It’s that simple.

So forget about sex education and vows of chastity. The U.S. government needs to launch a Department of Unicorn Development. I’m willing to take charge of this effort. Just send me $100 billion and a few alleged virgins for unicorn bait. I’ll do the rest.

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SCENE: A man and a woman kiss passionately.

WOMAN (thinking): Gee! I didn’t even get a chance to pretend I’m a virgin!

Honeymoon Blues

Honeymoon Blues

Darn sex manuals. How dare they put out editions that are upside down…

↓ Transcript
CAPTION: It was the sort of honeymoon my mother had always warned me about--painful and boring!

SCENE: Man and woman standing on rickety pier. He has her hands on each side of her face.

MAN: B-but It's not my fault! The sex manual was upside down! I'm almost sure of it!

WOMAN: I-I guess we could try again!

PANEL 2, SCENE: Man and woman embrace, smiling.

MAN: That’s the spirit! And this time, I'll try not to cry so much!

WOMAN: Actually, I kind of liked that part!