From now through the rest of the month, I’m going to be featuring a lot of Halloween and horror humor. So if you’re feeling squeamish, close your eyes!

Today’s Last Kiss photo comic is adapted from a photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash.
(Yeah. I added a snow blizzard to the original.)







SCENE: Skull-faced figure with long hair looks out towards us. The creature is wearing an orange, hooded sweatshirt with the hood up. It’s snowing.

SKULLFACE: Hi. I’m Darla. I sat behind you in Home Room. Remember telling me to drop dead? And that you wouldn’t date me ’til Hell froze over? Well… guess what?!!

Dialogue & Lettering: John Lustig

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Skull-faced figure with long hair looks out towards us. The creature is wearing an orange, hooded sweatshirt with the hood up. It's snowing.

SKULLFACE: Hi. I'm Darla. I sat behind you in Home Room. Remember telling me to drop dead? And that you wouldn't date me 'til Hell froze over? Well... guess what?!!

Adapted from a photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash.

Dialogue & Lettering: John Lustig