Happy Holidays and many thanks to all of you who’ve been reading Last Kiss! I hope 2021 is a much better and happier year for all of us!

Original Vintage Artwork:

Pencils by Charles Nicholas in Nurse Betsy Crane #18, 1962.



SANTA (pointing his forefinger forcibly upwards as he makes a point): You don’t have to believe in me! But Santa believes in you!

CAPTION: Believe, hope and have a Merry Christmas!

djp_lk_badsanta06b & NurseBetsyCrane18.3.4

↓ Transcript
SANTA (pointing his forefinger forcibly upwards as he makes a point): You don’t have to believe in me! But Santa believes in you!

CAPTION: Believe, hope and have a Merry Christmas!

djp_lk_badsanta06b & NurseBetsyCrane18.3.4