Christmas Hope

Christmas Hope

Happy (and Healthy) Holidays!

Original Vintage Art & Text

Vince Coletta inks from the story “This Gamble Called Love” in BRIDES IN LOVE #9, 1958. Click the link to read the entire issue for free



SCENE: Santa Claus and a woman are talking in the foreground. In the background, we can see the silhouette of a reindeer flying through the sky.

SANTA: You’re asking for a Christmas miracle?

WOMAN: Yes! A big one! I want everyone to be happy and healthy in 2022!

Santa-fication and Character Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira Writer: John Lustig

Merry Christmas!


↓ Transcript
SCENE: Santa Claus and a woman are talking in the foreground. In the background, we can see the silhouette of a reindeer flying through the sky.

SANTA: You’re asking for a Christmas miracle?

WOMAN: Yes! A big one! I want everyone to be happy and healthy in 2022!

Santa-fication and Character Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira Writer: John Lustig

Merry Christmas!
