The Trouble with Men

The Trouble with Men

The other problem with men (see original art below) is that they occasionally mistake women for furniture.

Foot stools are particularly popular. But loveseats, shelving, and beds (queen-sized of course) are also common.

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from First Kiss #4, 1958.

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from First Kiss #4, 1958.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Extreme closeup of a woman crying.

WOMAN: Men always seem perfect ‘til you get to know them...and sleep with their friends!

Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman

©2010 Last Kiss Inc

On the Way to the Future

On the Way to the Future

The future is coming! To celebrate that undeniable fact I’m running some of my favorite Last Kisses from the past.

(Either that or I’m using filler this week so I can recover from Comic-Con and get ahead. You decide.)

Original art by John Tartaglione from First Kiss #5, 1958.

Original art by John Tartaglione from First Kiss #5, 1958.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman in a car (appears to be a Jeep), honking her horn as she drives.

WOMAN: I’m on my way to the future! Get in...Or get out of my way!
©2010 Last Kiss Inc.
Art: John Tartaglione Color: Allen Freeman

Mom was Right

Mom was Right

Penciller unknown. Inked by Dick Giordano. First appeared in First Kiss #21, 1961.

Penciller unknown. Inked by Dick Giordano. First appeared in First Kiss #21, 1961.


↓ Transcript
SCENE: A woman and a man are sitting on the grass. He looks depressed.

MAN: Mom was right! Sex is complicated…with two people!

Inks: Dick Giordano Color: Allen Freeman

©2013 Last Kiss Inc

Itty, Bitty, Teeny-Weeny! Oh, no! Is that Your Dinghy?

Itty, Bitty, Teeny-Weeny! Oh, no! Is that Your Dinghy?

Original art inked by Dick Giordano for First Kiss #21. 1961.

Original art inked by Dick Giordano for First Kiss #21. 1961.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: A man and a woman in a rowboat. He's rowing. She's fishing.

WOMAN: f this is your yacht...I don’t want to see your dinghy!

Inks: Dick Giordano
Color: Allen Freeman

©2013 Last Kiss Inc

Sex: Once Upon a Time

Sex: Once Upon a Time

Art from My Real Love #5, 1952.


↓ Transcript
SCENE: A woman is on a sofa/couch talking to a man who is standing in front of her.

WOMAN: I’m sure my folks only had sex once...probably before I was born!

Restoration & Color: Allen Freeman

©2013 Last Kiss Inc.
