He-She…the Gender Super Villain of 1943!

He-She…the Gender Super Villain of 1943!

And Now for Something Completely Different?

While doing Last Kiss I go through a lot of old comic art. Sometimes I come across something so unusual–and provocative–that I think readers will get a kick seeing it. So much so that there’s no need for me to add or replace any dialogue.

Today’s comic–written and drawn by Charles Biro–was one of those cases. My question for readers is: Would you like to see more wild comic art as is when I find something interesting. Let me know. Thanks!

Original Comic Cover

Since you’ve already seen the original art, I thought you might enjoy seeing the 1943 comic cover of Boy Comics #9 that went with it. (Click link to read the full comic book for free on ComicBookPlus.com)

↓ Transcript
Last Kiss Presents...

1940s comics were quirky. But few were as quirky as Boy Comics #9! It featured the story of He-She...a murderous bigamist who was 50
percent man, 50 percent woman
and 100 percent rotten.

He-She’s superpower? The ability to appear male or female as needed! (But only if you didn’t see both sides of his/her face at the same time.)

How did He-She seduce
so many women--and go on honeymoons with them?!!--
without being discovered? We never find out!

This is the first page of a 15-page story by Charles Biro and I swear I didn’t change a thing from when it appeared in 1943--except to give She some lipstick!
--John Lustig

Crime Buster meets He She

The deadliest of the species is the female!!

The strongest of the species is the male!!

Combine these with the killer instinct...and you have the most cunning
the most vicious
the most fiendish killer of all time!

©2025 Last Kiss Inc

Bo609pg05-CB vs He-She-Final-Grain

Bendable Me

Bendable Me

Original Vintage Art & Text

Inks by Vince Colletta from the cover of First Kiss #5, Sept. 1958. Published by Charlton.

Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on ComicBookPlus.com.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Man and woman embracing, talking and probably about to kiss.

CAPTION: Never a social butterfly--or even a particularly likable caterpillar--Ron Redux doesn’t date! Or talk to women! Or even leave his house! But then, one day he’s struck by a magical bolt of comic book irony and becomes everyone’s favorite superhero...Major Success!

MAN: Nothing is impossible for me now! I can fly! turn time backwards! and bend men to my will!

WOMEN: What about women? Can you...bend me?

MAN: Honey, if you were anymore bendable, you’d be a puddle on the floor!

WOMAN: Then get a mop, baby! and kiss me quickly...because I‘m melting fast!

CAPTION: Remember, kids! Don’t try this at home...unless you’ve got flood insurance!

1958 Inks: Vince Colletta New Color: Allen Freeman
Have Mop, Will Travel: John Lustig


Sob Sister: The Tear-Stained Superhero!

Sob Sister: The Tear-Stained Superhero!

Original Vintage Art & Text

Pencils by Dick Giordano (with inks by either Giordano or Vince Colletta) from the story “Letter from Long Ago” in First Kiss #6, Nov. 1958. Published by Charlton Comics.

Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on ComicBookPlus.com.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Cyndi Snifflepod---the superhero known as "Sob Sister"---is talking with her boyfriend.

CAPTION: Bitten by a radioactive shoe salesman, Cyndi Snifflepod undergoes a strange transformation! Whenever she cries, Cyndi becomes Sob Sister…the world’s mightiest bargain hunter!

SOB SISTER: Quick! the orphans need new clothes! Make me...suffer!

BOYFRIEND: Why bother?a fat failure like you...can’t help anyone!

CAPTION: Instantly, Cindy's tough persona dissolves into a tear-streaked super shopper feared in retail outlets across the galaxy...Sob Sister!

SCENE: Boyfriend comforts Sob Sister as she cries.
BOYFRIEND: My poor darling! No bargain is worth this much pain!

right! (Sniff) m-maybe you could....do the shopping for me!

SCENE: Silent panel.

BOYFRIEND: Don’t let the door hit you on your way out, Blubber Butt!

Pencils: Dick Giordano Color Allen Freeman ©Last Kiss Inc. 2009

A Crying Shame: John Lustig