Couple-Up GoComics Winner: Pogoreader

Couple-Up GoComics Winner: Pogoreader

I received almost 200 Couple-Up Contest submissions on GoComics. And there were some wild, crazy, funny gags!

But Pogoreader’s absurd dialogue was a favorite of mine—making me laugh out loud. And it made guest caption writer William Van Horn laugh too.

And, when I floated it as a possible winner on Facebook, the reaction was nearly unanimous. We have a winner!

Facebook Winner:

Fans also submitted gags via Facebook. Longtime-fan Laura Drake easily came out on top with the most Facebook “likes.”

Honorable Mentions:

Check out this roundup of some of the best gags submitted on GoComics, Facebook, the Last Kiss website and mental telepathy.

—-John Lustig

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman looks angrily at a man who has her hand on her shoulder. A statue of a cupid is next to them. The cupid is hiding his face by burying it in his arm.

TITLE INFO: Last Kiss Couple-Up
GoComics Winner: Pogoreader

CAPTION (by William Van Horn): Rodney, in a negligent moment, had accidentally stepped on Madeline's pet snail. Simmering at the outrage, Madeline turned, and in a voice laced with bile said…

MADELINE: Accident?!! That’s what you said when you slept with my sister!

Dialogue: Pogoreader Caption: William Van Horn

©2014 Last Kiss Inc


Facebook Couple-Up Contest Winner Laura Drake

The Facebook Couple-Up Contest winning entry by Laura Drake. Pencils by Charles Quinlan. Color and restoration by Diego Jourdan Pereira.

Pencils by Charles Quinlan. Color and restoration by Diego Jourdan Pereira.

Longtime Last Kiss fan Laura Drake won the Facebook portion of the latest Couple-Up Contest. Laura was ahead from almost the beginning—quickly getting the most “like” votes. Congrats, Laura. And bon appetit the escargot!

Other Cool Contest Submissions

Read the winning entry in the GoComics version of the contest.

We received hundreds of wacky submissions. Here are a few of our favorites.




Couple-Up Contest #2: Winner

Couple-Up Contest #2: Winner

I’m happy to announce that Esther Stutzman won the most recent Couple-Up contest!

Esther wasn’t the only person to submit an arrow gag. Lots of people did variations of: “Is that an arrow in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?”

But Esther was the first to submit to submit a version of the arrow gag and—I believe—hers was the most cleverly worded.

Esther will receive a high-quality print of the contest comic with her name and dialogue lettered into the art. The print will be autographed by me. She’ll also receive 10 Last Kiss note or greeting cards as well as a Last Kiss Sticky Notebook.”

Runners Up

I’m also sending well-deserved Runner Up prizes (5 Last Kiss note cards) to:

Ste Beresford
Both: Why do I never get Wonder Woman in these key parties?

Ivan Henley
HER: You make me feel like a woman again!
HIM: Wait…. you’re a woman?!

Martin Tull
SHE: Oh my God, he had his tongue pierced.
HE: She wants me so bad I didn’t have time to finish my Skittles!

And Honorable Mentions go to:

Ed Bertoli
Her: Take me home and ravage me!
Him: I hope you’re not a screamer. Mom and dad are light sleepers.

Alex Corvino
BLACK CANARY: You kiss just like Green Lantern!
GREEN ARROW: So do you!

Chuck Kramer
HER: Moonlight, music, and you. What could make this moment any better?
HIM: (thought bubble): Kate Upton

Clint Neilson
HER: You’re not the man I thought you were…
HIM: Neither are you…

There were lots of other fun submissions. And the fact that I didn’t pick one of them doesn’t mean that I didn’t enjoy it.

In any event, everyone will have another chance to win in about three months when I host the next Couple-Up contest!

—John Lustig

↓ Transcript
SCENE: A woman and man in costumes kiss under a full mon. The woman appears to be dressed as if she were the comic book character Black Canary. And the man is dressed as if he were Robin Hood or the comic book character Green Arrow.

HEADLINE: Last Kiss Couple-Up Contest #2 Winner: Esther Stutzman

CAPTION: “She knew when she let him kiss her that it wouldn't end there. It couldn't be their Last Kiss. Could it?” --Mike Grell

WOMAN: Whoa! Is that one of your arrows?

MAN: No, but I guarantee it’ll make you quiver!

Art: Art Cappello Restoration & Color Diego Pereira

Dialogue: Esther Stutzman Caption: Mike Grell

©2013 Last Kiss Inc


Last Kiss Couple-Up Contest #2 with Mike Grell

Last Kiss Couple-Up Contest #2 with Mike Grell

Rules, prize info and how to enter here!

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Costumed man and woman kissing.

OPENING CAPTION: “She knew when she let him kiss her that it wouldn't end there. It couldn't be their Last Kiss. Could it?”
--Mike Grell

BELOW IMAGE CAPTION: Opening caption by Mike Grell. Dialogue by you! Deadline 7/1/13 10 p.m. PDT. Rules & prize info:

Original art: Art Cappello from cover of Secret Romance #21, 1972.

Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira

©2013 Last Kiss Inc

He’s a Sport

He’s a Sport

Yes, he is a good sport. And by “he” I mean, of course, guest writer Roy Thomas.

If you don’t know who Roy Thomas is then turn in your Marvel Bullpen score card and hang your mutant head in shape. Then go read this brief summary I wrote about Roy’s career. Or read Wikipedia’s long article about him.

Suffice to say, Roy was a major writer/editor in the early days of Marvel. And he remains an active and admired comics creator. (Among other things, he’s the editor of that fabled tome of comics history Alter Ego Magazine.)

So I was thrilled when Roy agreed to be a guest writer in the Last Kiss Couple-Up dialog contest. Unfortunately—or so it seemed at first—we got our signals crossed. Instead of writing an opening caption, Roy wrote dialogue for the two characters in today’s comic.

Although unsuitable for the contest, it was too good to waste. So, Roy kindly let me use the dialogue in today’s comic. And he even let me add my opening caption to the gag. (My inner fanboy is ecstatic!)

And, yes, Roy is still planning to write a caption for a future Couple-Up contest. So, you’ll have a chance to submit dialog and “collaborate” with Roy too.

In the meantime, the current Couple-Up contest is still going on—with a great opening caption by another legendary comics creator—Jim Salicrup. Don’t miss your chance to submit dialogue and “collaborate” with Jim.

The contest ends Sunday, Feb. 24, 10 p.m. PST. So hurry!

Original art from First Kiss #19 (1961.)

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman smiling from a home's doorway as a man walks away from her waving and smiling.

CAPTION: Despite his witty sports references, women rarely dated Joe twice!

WOMAN: That was great, Joe...But I'm worried that you won't respect me in the morning!

MAN: Not to worry. I lost all respect for you when I got to second base!

Guest Dialogue: Roy Thomas
Opening Caption: John Lustig
Color: Dan McConnell
©2013 Last Kiss Inc