Vintage art & Text

Art by Fred Schwab [as Watt A. Mugg] in the Red Rocket story in Phantom Lady #3 (Ajax), April 1955.



SCENE: A masked male superhero with a Last Kiss logo on his check is talking. In the background are many roles of toilet paper.

SUPERHERO: Good news! Toilet paper is back in stores! So, it’s safe to have bean burritos again! Best of all, I’m no longer needed…at the Last Kiss Emergency Wipe Service…Now that demand has bottomed out!

Fred Schwab [as Watt A. Mugg] Re-Creation: Dan McConnell


↓ Transcript
SCENE: A masked male superhero with a Last Kiss logo on his check is talking. In the background are many roles of toilet paper.

SUPERHERO: Good news! Toilet paper is back in stores! So, it’s safe to have bean burritos again! Best of all, I’m no longer the Last Kiss Emergency Wipe Service...Now that demand has bottomed out!

Fred Schwab [as Watt A. Mugg] Re-Creation: Dan McConnell
