From now on, I intend to answer all phone solicitors, survey takers and wrong phone numbers (anyone asking for money) with this punchline.

Art by Ernesto R. Garcia from “You’re Fired, Darling!” Career Girl Romances #45, 1964.




Nominated for the Phone Survey Hall of Fame!

WOMAN TALKING ON PHONE: You wanna know my New Year’s resolutions? Gee, mister, it’s kinda personal, but…I resolvedto have more sex! So, uh…What are you wearing?

1964 Art: Ernesto R. Garcia Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira


↓ Transcript
Nominated for the Phone Survey Hall of Fame!

WOMAN TALKING ON PHONE: You wanna know my New Year’s resolutions? Gee, mister, it’s kinda personal, but...I resolvedto have more sex! So, uh...What are you wearing?

1964 Art: Ernesto R. Garcia Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
