I’d love to add a laugh track to this consisting entirely of hyenas guffaws. Hyenas love a good joke—or even a mediocre one.

Art by Joe Doolin from the cover of Jumbo 105 (Fiction House), Nov. 1947.




SCENE: Wearing a skimpy, leopard skin outfit, Sheena battles what appears to be a native woman who is either a priestess or chieftess. The native woman—who like Sheena—wears a skimpy outfit. She’s holding a spear that Sheena is trying to wrest away from here. Meanwhile a pack of angry and apparently hungry hyenas are rush towards a man who is tied to a stake in the background.

NATIVE WOMAN: You can’t stop me…or my hyenas, Sheena!

SHEENA: I don’t want to stop them! I want to wear them!

CAPTION: Watch for Sheena in Disney’s new, laugh-filled masterpiece:101 Hyenas

1947 Pencils: Joe Doolin
Restoration & New Dialogue: John Lustig ©2020 Last Kiss Inc

ART: Jumbo 105 Cover

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Wearing a skimpy, leopard skin outfit, Sheena battles what appears to be a native woman who is either a priestess or chieftess. The native woman---who like Sheena---wears a skimpy outfit. She's holding a spear that Sheena is trying to wrest away from here. Meanwhile a pack of angry and apparently hungry hyenas are rush towards a man who is tied to a stake in the background.

NATIVE WOMAN: You can’t stop me…or my hyenas, Sheena!

SHEENA: I don’t want to stop them! I want to wear them!

CAPTION: Watch for Sheena in Disney’s new, laugh-filled masterpiece:101 Hyenas

1947 Pencils: Joe Doolin
Restoration & New Dialogue: John Lustig ©2020 Last Kiss Inc

ART: Jumbo 105 Cover