Someday Somehow Someway

Someday Somehow Someway

Art by Lee Elias for Hi-School Romance #23 – Oct. 1953.




SCENE: A woman is crying in the background as another woman and a man sit and kiss on the grass in the foreground.

CRYING WOMAN (thinking): I’ll never give up on my dream! Someday I’ll be in the fore-ground…of a Last Kiss cartoon!

1953 Art: Lee Elias Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Guest Writer: Tony Isabella


↓ Transcript
SCENE: A woman is crying in the background as another woman and a man sit and kiss on the grass in the foreground.

CRYING WOMAN (thinking): I’ll never give up on my dream! Someday I’ll be in the fore-ground...of a Last Kiss cartoon!

1953 Art: Lee Elias Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Guest Writer: Tony Isabella
